What has been missing so far is a nice and convenient way to get the whole package, namely the SDK.
The Qt SDK describes a merger between the Nokia Qt SDK, which provided a development environment for mobile targets, and the Qt Desktop SDKs. This allows you to develop applications for all platforms, which Qt supports. Compared to the Technology Preview we have included a significant amount of updates, namely:
- Qt 4.7.2 for Symbian ^1 and Symbian ^3
- Qt 4.7.2 for the Desktop
- Qt 4.7.2 for the Qt Simulator
- Qt Mobility 1.1.1 for Symbian^1, Symbian^3 and the Qt Simulator
- Qt Creator 2.1 final
- Qt Simulator 1.1 beta
- Updates to the Symbian Complementary package, providing the toolchain and build tools for the Symbian platforms
Read more:
- http://labs.qt.nokia.com/2011/03/01/qt-sdk-1-1-beta-released/