Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Qt Creator 2.0: It’s a Release Candidate!

Qt Creator 2.0 Released Candidate! Creator works hand-in-hand with the Nokia Qt SDK, a release candidate of which has also been released today. One effect is that debugging on the Nokia N8, the first Symbian-based Nokia phone shipping with Qt, does now work. Another focus of this release is the documentation, which has been greatly improved to cover a lot more aspects of Qt Creator and how to develop with it.

But: Qt Quick support is now disabled by default, because Qt 4.7 will not be out by the time Nokia want to release Qt Creator 2.0. This means Qt Creator will come without Qt Quick functionality, even though loading Qt Quick files and projects is still possible. After 2.0 has been released, Nokia will bring back Qt Quick enabled nightly build as soon as possible.

read in more details: Qt Labs Blogs >> Qt Creator 2.0: It's a Release Candidate!