Thursday, December 12, 2013

Monday, November 18, 2013

Example of QtQuick.Controls SpinBox

Example to implement QtQuick.Controls SpinBox with qml.

QtQuick.Controls SpinBox
example of QtQuick.Controls SpinBox

import QtQuick 2.1
import QtQuick.Controls 1.0
import QtQuick.Window 2.0

ApplicationWindow {
    title: qsTr("")
    width: 400
    height: 350

    menuBar: MenuBar {
        Menu {
            title: qsTr("File")
            MenuItem {
                text: qsTr("Exit")
                onTriggered: Qt.quit();

        Label {
            id: label

            id: spinbox1
            width: 100
            maximumValue: 100
            minimumValue: 0
            value: 50
            onValueChanged: label.text = "spinbox1: " + value
            id: spinbox2
            width: 100
            maximumValue: 100
            minimumValue: 0
            value: 50
            stepSize: 5
            prefix: "prefix: "
            onValueChanged: label.text = "spinbox2: " + value
            id: spinbox3
            width: 100
            maximumValue: 100
            minimumValue: 0
            value: 50
            stepSize: 10
            suffix: "-suffix"
            onValueChanged: label.text = "spinbox3: " + value


Sunday, November 17, 2013

QtQuick.Controls example, Slider.

qml example to implement QtQuick.Controls Slider.

QtQuick.Controls Slider
QtQuick.Controls Slider

import QtQuick 2.1
import QtQuick.Controls 1.0
import QtQuick.Window 2.0

ApplicationWindow {
    title: qsTr("")
    width: 400
    height: 350

    menuBar: MenuBar {
        Menu {
            title: qsTr("File")
            MenuItem {
                text: qsTr("Exit")
                onTriggered: Qt.quit();


        Label {
            id: label

            id: slider1
            maximumValue: 100
            minimumValue: 0
            value: 50
            onValueChanged: label.text = "slider1: " + value
            id: slider2
            maximumValue: 100
            minimumValue: 0
            value: 50
            stepSize: 10
            onValueChanged: label.text = "slider2: " + value
            id: slider3
            maximumValue: 100
            minimumValue: 0
            value: 50
            stepSize: 25
            orientation: Qt.Vertical
            onValueChanged: label.text = "slider3: " + value

Friday, November 15, 2013

Qt 5 on Windows ANGLE and OpenGL

Qt 5 on Windows can be configured to use either OpenGL drivers, or DirectX drivers through the ANGLE library. What you want depends on your use case. The Qt project offers binary installers for both variants.

Read more:

Monday, November 11, 2013

QtQuick.Controls example, ProgressBar.

qml example to implement QtQuick.Controls ProgressBar.

QtQuick.Controls ProgressBar
QtQuick.Controls ProgressBar

import QtQuick 2.1
import QtQuick.Controls 1.0
import QtQuick.Window 2.0

ApplicationWindow {
    title: qsTr("")
    width: 400
    height: 350

    menuBar: MenuBar {
        Menu {
            title: qsTr("File")
            MenuItem {
                text: qsTr("Exit")
                onTriggered: Qt.quit();


            id: progressBar1
            maximumValue: 100
            minimumValue: 0
            value: 50
            id: progressBar2
            maximumValue: 100
            minimumValue: 0
            value: 50
            indeterminate: true
            id: progressBar3
            maximumValue: 100
            minimumValue: 0
            value: 50
            orientation: Qt.Vertical

        Button {
            id: buttonInc
            text: "+10"
            onClicked: {
                progressBar1.value += 10
                progressBar2.value += 10
                progressBar3.value += 10
        Button {
            id: buttonDec
            text: "-10"
            onClicked: {
                progressBar1.value -= 10
                progressBar2.value -= 10
                progressBar3.value -= 10


Wednesday, November 6, 2013

QtQuick.Controls example, RadioButton and GroupBox

qml example to implement QtQuick.Controls RadioButton and GroupBox.

QtQuick.Controls RadioButton and GroupBox
qml example of QtQuick.Controls RadioButton and GroupBox

import QtQuick 2.1
import QtQuick.Controls 1.0
import QtQuick.Window 2.0

ApplicationWindow {
    title: qsTr("")
    width: 400
    height: 350

    menuBar: MenuBar {
        Menu {
            title: qsTr("File")
            MenuItem {
                text: qsTr("Exit")
                onTriggered: Qt.quit();

    ExclusiveGroup {
        id: exclusiveGroup1

    ExclusiveGroup {
        id: exclusiveGroup2

        GroupBox {
            title: "GroupBox 1 (exclusive)"
            Column {
                RadioButton {
                    id: radioButton1a
                    text: "RadioButton 1a"
                    exclusiveGroup: exclusiveGroup1
                    checked: true
                RadioButton {
                    id: radioButton1b
                    text: "RadioButton 1b"
                    exclusiveGroup: exclusiveGroup1
                RadioButton {
                    id: radioButton1c
                    text: "RadioButton 1c"
                    exclusiveGroup: exclusiveGroup1

        GroupBox {
            title: "GroupBox 2"
            Row {
                RadioButton {
                    id: radioButton2a
                    text: "2a"
                    checked: true
                RadioButton {
                    id: radioButton2b
                    text: "2b"
                RadioButton {
                    id: radioButton2c
                    text: "2c"

Monday, November 4, 2013

QtQuick.Controls examples - single selectable CheckBox in ExclusiveGroup

To make a group of CheckBox to be single selectable, we can apply the CheckBoxes to ExclusiveGroup.

CheckBoxes in ExclusiveGroup
Only one CheckBox can be checked in a ExclusiveGroup
import QtQuick 2.1
import QtQuick.Controls 1.0
import QtQuick.Window 2.0

ApplicationWindow {
    title: qsTr("")
    width: 400
    height: 350

    menuBar: MenuBar {
        Menu {
            title: qsTr("File")
            MenuItem {
                text: qsTr("Exit")
                onTriggered: Qt.quit();

    ExclusiveGroup {
        id: exclusiveGroup1

    ExclusiveGroup {
        id: exclusiveGroup2

        Column {
            CheckBox {
                text: "option 1"
                exclusiveGroup: exclusiveGroup1
            CheckBox {
                text: "option 2"
                exclusiveGroup: exclusiveGroup1
            CheckBox {
                text: "option 3"
                exclusiveGroup: exclusiveGroup1
        Row {
            CheckBox {
                text: "option A"
                checked: true
                exclusiveGroup: exclusiveGroup2
            CheckBox {
                text: "option B"
            CheckBox {
                text: "option C"
                exclusiveGroup: exclusiveGroup2

Sunday, November 3, 2013

QtQuick.Controls examples - CheckBox

A CheckBox of QtQuick.Controls is an option button that can be toggled on (checked) or off (unchecked).

QtQuick.Controls examples - CheckBox

Example code:
import QtQuick 2.1
import QtQuick.Controls 1.0
import QtQuick.Window 2.0

ApplicationWindow {
    title: qsTr("")
    width: 400
    height: 350

    menuBar: MenuBar {
        Menu {
            title: qsTr("File")
            MenuItem {
                text: qsTr("Exit")
                onTriggered: Qt.quit();

        Column {
            CheckBox { text: "option 1" }
            CheckBox { text: "option 2" }
            CheckBox { text: "option 3" }
        Row {
            CheckBox { text: "option A" }
            CheckBox { text: "option B" }
            CheckBox { text: "option C" }

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Getting Started with Qt Enterprise Embedded

Getting Started with Qt Enterprise Embedded

A demonstration of how easy it is to get started developing for embedded hardware with Qt Enterprise Embedded. The video shows basic usage and features of Qt Enterprise Embedded like creating a project, deploying to a device and on-device-debugging.

To learn more about Qt Enterprise Embedded, visit

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Qt5 on Android

This video shows different QUIt Coding demos running on Nexus 7 & Qt 5.2 (beta).

Sources and more information are available in

Qt 5.2 Beta, with binary installers, is now available.

Qt 5.2 Beta now comes with binary installers for Windows, Mac and Linux. You can get Qt 5.2 Beta from the Qt Project download area for open source users, and in the Qt Enterprise Customer Portal for existing Qt Enterprise customers.

Qt 5.2 come with great features, such as support for Android, iOS and Blackberry 10, new Scene Graph renderer, new Qt-specific Javascript engine, new beta for Qt Creator 3.0... Know more:

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

QtQuick example: resizing Window

QtQuick example: resizing Window
QtQuick example: resizing Window

import QtQuick 2.1
import QtQuick.Controls 1.0
import QtQuick.Window 2.0

ApplicationWindow {
    title: "Qteveloper ("
    width: 400
    height: 380

    menuBar: MenuBar {
        Menu {
            title: "Sub-Window"
            MenuItem {
                text: "Open"
            MenuItem {
                text: "Close"
                onTriggered: myWindow.close();

        id: myWindow
        title: "Child Window"
        width: 300
        height: 300
        visible: false
        function open(){
            visible = true
        function close(){
            visible = false

        Rectangle {
            anchors.fill: parent

            Button {
                id: maxMe
                anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
                text:"Maximize me"
                width: parent.width
                tooltip:"Maximize this child window"
                onClicked: myWindow.showMaximized()
            Button {
                id: normalizeMe
                anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
                text:"Normalize me"
                width: parent.width
                tooltip:"Normalize this child window"
                onClicked: myWindow.showNormal()
            Button {
                id: minMe
                anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
                text:"Minimized...but not work as expected!"
                width: parent.width
                tooltip:"Minimized this child window"
                onClicked: myWindow.showMinimized()
            Button {
                id: closeMe
                anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
                anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
                text:"Close me"
                width: parent.width
                tooltip:"Close this child Window"
                onClicked: myWindow.close()

Friday, October 11, 2013

Android deployment in Qt 5.2

In the upcoming release of Qt 5.2 for Android, the “Getting Started”-experience will be improved, and polishing in general. For example, this has implied quite a few improvements to how Android is presented in Qt Creator 3.0, to make it easier the first time you sit down to write an Android application in Qt.

Qt 5.2 for Android
Kit selection of Qt 5.2 for Android
Know more: Qt Blog

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

QtQuick example: Image

Example to use Image:

QtQuick example: Image
QtQuick example: Image

import QtQuick 2.1
import QtQuick.Controls 1.0

ApplicationWindow {
    title: "Qteveloper ("
    width: 420
    height: 380

    menuBar: MenuBar {
        Menu {
            title: "Load Image"
            MenuItem {
                text: "image1"
                onTriggered: myImage.source = ""
            MenuItem {
                text: "image2"
                onTriggered: myImage.source = ""
            MenuItem {
                text: "no image"
                onTriggered: myImage.source = ""

        id: myImage
        anchors.centerIn: parent
        source: ""


QtQuick example: open and close new Window

QtQuick example: open and close new Window
QtQuick example: open and close new Window

import QtQuick 2.1
import QtQuick.Controls 1.0
import QtQuick.Window 2.0

ApplicationWindow {
    title: "Qteveloper ("
    width: 400
    height: 380

    menuBar: MenuBar {
        Menu {
            title: "Sub-Window"
            MenuItem {
                text: "Open"
            MenuItem {
                text: "Close"
                onTriggered: myWindow.close();

        id: myWindow
        title: "myWindow"
        width: 300
        height: 300
        visible: false
        function open(){
            visible = true
        function close(){
            visible = false

Sunday, October 6, 2013

QtQuick Controls example: GroupBox

GroupBox provides a frame, a title on top and displays various other controls inside itself. Group boxes can also be checkable.

GroupBox example
GroupBox example

import QtQuick 2.1
import QtQuick.Controls 1.0
import QtQuick.Window 2.0
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.0

ApplicationWindow {
    title: "Qteveloper ("
    width: 480
    height: 320


        GroupBox {
            id: groupBoxA
            title: "GroupBox A"
            Layout.fillWidth: true
            Image {
                source: ""

        GroupBox {
            id: groupBoxB
            title: "GroupBox B"
            Layout.fillWidth: true
            checkable: true

            ColumnLayout {
                anchors.fill: parent
                Label { text: "Label 1" }
                Label { text: "Label 2" }
                Label { text: "Label 3" }



Saturday, October 5, 2013

QtQuick Controls: SplitView

import QtQuick 2.1
import QtQuick.Controls 1.0
import QtQuick.Window 2.0
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.0

ApplicationWindow {
    title: qsTr("Hello World")
    width: 640
    height: 480

        anchors.fill: parent
        orientation: Qt.Horizontal

            width: 100
            Layout.minimumWidth: 200
            Image {
                width: 500
                height: 250
                source: ""

            Layout.minimumWidth: 50
            Image {
                source: ""

Related: QtQuick Controls: ScrollView

Friday, October 4, 2013

QtQuick Controls: Apply Action to Buttons

QtQuick Controls: Apply Action to Buttons
QtQuick Controls: Apply Action to Buttons

import QtQuick 2.1
import QtQuick.Controls 1.0
import QtQuick.Window 2.0
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.0

ApplicationWindow {
    title: "Qteveloper ("
    width: 480
    height: 320


        Button { action: actionButtonA }
        Button { action: actionButtonB }
        Button { action: actionButtonC }

            Button { action: actionButtonD1 }
            Button { action: actionButtonD2 }
            Button { action: actionButtonD3 }
        Button { action: actionButtonE }

        id: actionButtonA
        text: "Button A"
        onTriggered: statusLabel.text = "Button A Triggered "

        id: actionButtonB
        text: "Button B - Logo"
        iconSource: "qtlogo.png"
        onTriggered: statusLabel.text = "Button B Triggered "

        id: actionButtonC
        text: "Button C - checkable"
        checkable: true
        onCheckedChanged: statusLabel.text = "Button C checked: " + checked

    ExclusiveGroup {
        id: group_D

            id: actionButtonD1
            text: "Button D1"
            checkable: true
            onCheckedChanged: {
                    statusLabel.text = "Button D1 checked"

            id: actionButtonD2
            text: "Button D2"
            checkable: true
            onCheckedChanged: {
                    statusLabel.text = "Button D2 checked"

            id: actionButtonD3
            text: "Button D3"
            checkable: true
            onCheckedChanged: {
                    statusLabel.text = "Button D3 checked"

            id: actionButtonE
            text: "Button &E"
            shortcut: "Ctrl+E"
            onTriggered: statusLabel.text = "Button E Triggered "

    statusBar: StatusBar{
                id: statusLabel
                text: "Status Bar"

Related: QtQuick Controls: Example to apply Action to MenuItem and ToolButton

Thursday, October 3, 2013

QtQuick Controls: Example to apply Action to MenuItem and ToolButton

Example to apply Action to MenuItem and ToolButton
Example to apply Action to MenuItem and ToolButton

import QtQuick 2.1
import QtQuick.Controls 1.0
import QtQuick.Window 2.0
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.0

ApplicationWindow {
    id: myWindow
    title: "Qteveloper ("
    width: 480
    height: 320

    menuBar: MenuBar {
        Menu {
            title: qsTr("File")
            MenuItem {
                action: actionExit

    toolBar: ToolBar{
            ToolButton{ action: actionToolButtonA }
            ToolButton{ action: actionToolButtonB }
            ToolButton{ action: actionToolButtonC }

        id: actionExit
        text: "E&xit"
        shortcut: "Ctrl+X"
        iconSource: "qtlogo.png"
        onTriggered: Qt.quit()

        id: actionToolButtonA
        text: "ToolButton A"
        onTriggered: statusLabel.text = "ToolButton A Triggered "
        iconSource: "qtlogo.png"

        id: actionToolButtonB
        text: "ToolButton B"
        checkable: true
        onCheckedChanged: statusLabel.text = "ToolButton B Checked - "
                          + checked

        id: actionToolButtonC
        text: "ToolButton C"
        checkable: true
        onCheckedChanged: statusLabel.text = "ToolButton C Checked - "
                          + checked

    statusBar: StatusBar{
                id: statusLabel
                text: "Status Bar"

Related: QtQuick Controls: Apply Action to Buttons

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

QtQuick.Layouts: GridLayout

QtQuick.Layouts: GridLayout

import QtQuick 2.1
import QtQuick.Controls 1.0
import QtQuick.Window 2.0
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.0

ApplicationWindow {
    id: myWindow
    title: "Qteveloper ("
    width: 480
    height: 320

        columns: 3
        Button { text: "button 1"}
        Button { text: "button 2"}
            Label { text: "label 3A"}
            Label { text: "Label 3B"}
            Label { text: "label 3C"}
        Button { text: "button 4"}
        Label{ text: "label 5"}
        Button { text: "button 6"}
            Button { text: "button 7A"}
            Button { text: "button 7B"}

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

QtQuick.Layouts: ColumnLayout

QtQuick.Layouts: ColumnLayout

import QtQuick 2.1
import QtQuick.Controls 1.0
import QtQuick.Window 2.0
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.0

ApplicationWindow {
    id: myWindow
    title: "Qteveloper ("
    width: 480
    height: 320

        Button { text: "button 1"}
        Button { text: "button 2"}
            Label { text: "label 3A"}
            Label { text: "Label 3B"}
            Label { text: "label 3C"}
        Button { text: "button 4"}

QtQuick.Layouts: RowLayout

QtQuick.Layouts: RowLayout

import QtQuick 2.1
import QtQuick.Controls 1.0
import QtQuick.Window 2.0
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.0

ApplicationWindow {
    id: myWindow
    title: "Qteveloper ("
    width: 480
    height: 320

        Button { text: "button 1"}
        Button { text: "button 2"}
            Label { text: "label 3A"}
            Label { text: "Label 3B"}
            Label { text: "label 3C"}
        Button { text: "button 4"}

QtQuick Controls: ApplicationWindow, MenuBar, ToolBar and StatusBar

ApplicationWindow, MenuBar, ToolBar and StatusBar
QtQuick Controls: ApplicationWindow, MenuBar, ToolBar and StatusBar

import QtQuick 2.1
import QtQuick.Controls 1.0
import QtQuick.Window 2.0
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.0

ApplicationWindow {
    id: myWindow
    title: "Qteveloper ("
    width: 480
    height: 320

    menuBar: MenuBar {
        Menu {
            title: qsTr("File")
            MenuItem {
                text: qsTr("Exit")
                onTriggered: Qt.quit();
            MenuItem {
                text: "File - Item 2"
                onTriggered: statusLabel.text = "File - Item 2 Triggered"
        Menu {
            title: "Option B"
            MenuItem {
                text: "Opt B1"
                onTriggered: statusLabel.text = "Opt B1 Triggered"

            MenuItem {
                text: "Opt B2"
                checkable: true
                onCheckedChanged: statusLabel.text = "Opt B2 Checked - "
                                  + checked
            MenuItem {
                text: "Opt B3"
                checkable: true
                onCheckedChanged: statusLabel.text = "Opt B3 Checked - "
                                  + checked

    toolBar: ToolBar{
                text: "ToolButton T1"
                onClicked: statusLabel.text = "ToolButton T1 clicked"
                text: "ToolButton T2"
                onClicked: statusLabel.text = "ToolButton T2 clicked"
                text: "ToolButton T3"
                onClicked: statusLabel.text = "ToolButton T3 clicked"

    statusBar: StatusBar{
                id: statusLabel
                text: "Status Bar"

~ QtQuick Controls: Example to apply Action to MenuItem and ToolButton

QtQuick Controls: ScrollView

Example of using ScrollView in QtQuick.Controls 1.0.

There are two Images in the window, both loaded from the same source at internet. The upper one place within a ScrollView, the bottom one is a standalone image.

QtQuick Controls: ScrollView
QtQuick Controls: ScrollView

import QtQuick 2.1
import QtQuick.Controls 1.0

Rectangle {
    width: 500
    height: 500

    //Image within ScrollView
        id: myScrollView
        width: 500
        height: 250
        Image {
            source: ""

    //standalone Image
    Image { myScrollView.bottom
        width: 500
        height: 250
        source: ""

Related: QtQuick Controls: SplitView

Monday, September 30, 2013

Qt 5.2 Alpha (source) available, with Android and iOS support

Qt 5.2 Alpha release is now available now, you can download from the Qt Project download area for the open source version and in customer portal for Qt Enterprise users. The packages are source only and mainly for people already used to developing with Qt. Unless you feel comfortable compiling Qt on your own, you might want to wait for the beta which will come out within the next few weeks.

Qt 5.2 is the first Qt release to fully support development of Qt applications for Android and iOS. A lot of work has gone into supporting these two platforms.

With the exception of WebKit, all essential modules are supported in both Android and iOS. This includes all of Qt Core, Qt Network, Qt Gui, Qt Widgets, Qt Qml, Qt Quick and Qt Multimedia. From the Qt add-ons Qt Sensors, Qt Graphical Effects, Qt Script and Qt SVG are supported. On Android a special Qt Android Extras module is also supported.

...and much more from the source: Qt Blog

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Create Qt Quick Application

To new a Qt Quick Application (QtQuick2example), click File -> New File or Project..., select Project of Applications, and Qt Quick 2 Application (Built-in Type); to create a Qt Quick 2 application project that can contain both QML and C++ code and includes a QQuickView. And click Choose... button.

Then enter extra setting, such as Name, Location, in following steps.

Here is the auto generated main.cpp and main.qml.

#include <QtGui/QGuiApplication>
#include "qtquick2applicationviewer.h"

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    QGuiApplication app(argc, argv);

    QtQuick2ApplicationViewer viewer;

    return app.exec();

import QtQuick 2.0

Rectangle {
    width: 360
    height: 360
    Text {
        text: qsTr("Hello World")
        anchors.centerIn: parent
    MouseArea {
        anchors.fill: parent
        onClicked: {


error: GL/gl.h: No such file or directory

If you face the error of "GL/gl.h: No such file or directory" whild building your Qt project, you are missing the OpenGl components.

Refer to the post "cannot find -lGL" to install libgl1-mesa-dev and libglu1-mesa-dev.

Qt Quick Controls

The Qt Quick Controls module provides a set of controls that can be used to build complete interfaces in Qt Quick.

The module is new in Qt 5.1 and requires Qt Quick 2.1.

Visit the Qt Quick Controls Overview page to get started.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Hello Qt Quick 2 UI with Controls

It's the Qt Creator auto-generated Qt Quick 2 UI with Controls.

Hello Qt Quick 2 UI with Controls
Hello Qt Quick 2 UI with Controls

import QtQuick 2.1
import QtQuick.Controls 1.0
import QtQuick.Window 2.0

ApplicationWindow {
    title: qsTr("Hello World")
    width: 640
    height: 480

    menuBar: MenuBar {
        Menu {
            title: qsTr("File")
            MenuItem {
                text: qsTr("Exit")
                onTriggered: Qt.quit();

    Button {
        text: qsTr("Hello World")
        anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
        anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter

Monday, September 23, 2013

qml example: TextInput with echoMode

qml example: TextInput with echoMode
qml example: TextInput with echoMode

import QtQuick 2.0

Rectangle {
    width: 360
    height: 360
    Text {
        id: text1
        anchors.topMargin: 5
        text: "Hello World"

    TextInput {
        id: text_default text1.bottom
        width: parent.width
        anchors.topMargin: 5
        onAccepted: text1.text = text

    TextInput {
        id: text_Password
        echoMode: TextInput.Password text_default.bottom
        width: parent.width
        anchors.topMargin: 5
        onAccepted: text1.text = text

    TextInput {
        id: text_NoEcho
        echoMode: TextInput.NoEcho text_Password.bottom
        width: parent.width
        anchors.topMargin: 5
        onAccepted: text1.text = text

    TextInput {
        id: text_PasswordEchoOnEdit
        echoMode: TextInput.PasswordEchoOnEdit text_NoEcho.bottom
        width: parent.width
        anchors.topMargin: 5
        onAccepted: text1.text = text


Friday, September 20, 2013

Implement qml dialog

qml dialog
qml dialog

import QtQuick 2.0

Rectangle {
    id: root
    width: 360
    height: 360

    Rectangle {
        id: myButton

        width: 200
        height: 120
        radius: 25
        anchors.centerIn: parent

        property color buttonColor: "white"
        property color buttonColorPressed: "gray"
        property color buttonBorderColor: "gray"
        property color buttonBorderColorPressed: "black"

            id: myButtonMouseArea
            anchors.fill: parent


        //gradient color, changed with mouse pressed
        gradient: Gradient {
            GradientStop {
                position: 0.0;
                color: myButtonMouseArea.pressed ? "black" : "gray" }
            GradientStop {
                position: 1.0;
                color: myButtonMouseArea.pressed ? "gray" : "white" }

        border.width: 2
        border.color: myButtonMouseArea.pressed
                      ? buttonBorderColorPressed : buttonBorderColor

            id: buttonLabel
            anchors {
                centerIn: parent
            color: "black"
            text: "Open Dialog"


    Rectangle {
         id: myDialog

         property Item text: dialogText

         width: 300
         height: 200
         anchors {
             centerIn: parent
         color: "lightgray"
         border.width: 3

         signal closed
         signal opened
         function forceClose() {
             if(myDialog.opacity != 0){
                 myDialog.opacity = 0;

         function show() {
             myDialog.opacity = 1;

         opacity: 0 //default hide
         visible: opacity > 0
         Behavior on opacity {
             NumberAnimation { duration: 1000 }

         Text {
             anchors.centerIn: parent;
             text: "I'm a Dialog"

         MouseArea {
             anchors.fill: parent;
             onClicked: parent.forceClose();


Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Set color interactively with hsla(hue, saturation, lightness, alpha)

The example set background color interactively with hsla(hue, saturation, lightness, alpha).

qml example: hsla(hue, saturation, lightness, alpha)
qml example: hsla(hue, saturation, lightness, alpha)

import QtQuick 2.0

Rectangle {
    width: 360
    height: 360
    Text {
        anchors.centerIn: parent
        text: "Hello World"

        hsla ( real hue, real saturation, real lightness, real alpha )
        Returns a color with the specified hue, saturation, lightness
        and alpha components. All components should be in the range 0-1
    color: Qt.hsla(
               mySliderHandleHue.x/(mySliderHandleHue.parent.width - 30),
               mySliderHandleSaturation.x/(mySliderHandleSaturation.parent.width - 30),
               mySliderHandleLightness.x/(mySliderHandleLightness.parent.width - 30),

    Rectangle {
        id: mySliderLightness

        anchors {
            left: parent.left
            right: parent.right
            bottom: parent.bottom
            leftMargin: 20
            rightMargin: 20
            bottomMargin: 10

        height: 20
        radius: 10
        smooth: true
        gradient: Gradient {
            GradientStop { position: 0.0; color: "white" }
            GradientStop { position: 1.0; color: "gray" }

        Rectangle {
            id: mySliderHandleLightness
            x: 1; y: 1; width: 30; height: 20
            radius: 10
            smooth: true
            color: Qt.hsla(0, 0, 1, 1)

            MouseArea {
                anchors.fill: parent
                drag.axis: Drag.XAxis
                drag.minimumX: 0
                drag.maximumX: parent.parent.width - 30

    Rectangle {
        id: mySliderSaturation

        anchors {
            left: parent.left
            right: parent.right
            leftMargin: 20
            rightMargin: 20
            bottomMargin: 10

        height: 20
        radius: 10
        smooth: true
        gradient: Gradient {
            GradientStop { position: 0.0; color: "white" }
            GradientStop { position: 1.0; color: "gray" }

        Rectangle {
            id: mySliderHandleSaturation
            x: 1; y: 1; width: 30; height: 20
            radius: 10
            smooth: true
            color: Qt.hsla(0, 1, 0, 1)

            MouseArea {
                anchors.fill: parent
                drag.axis: Drag.XAxis
                drag.minimumX: 0
                drag.maximumX: parent.parent.width - 30

    Rectangle {
        id: mySliderHue

        anchors {
            left: parent.left
            right: parent.right
            leftMargin: 20
            rightMargin: 20
            bottomMargin: 10

        height: 20
        radius: 10
        smooth: true
        gradient: Gradient {
            GradientStop { position: 0.0; color: "white" }
            GradientStop { position: 1.0; color: "gray" }

        Rectangle {
            id: mySliderHandleHue
            x: 1; y: 1; width: 30; height: 20
            radius: 10
            smooth: true
            color: Qt.hsla(1, 0, 0, 1)

            MouseArea {
                anchors.fill: parent
                drag.axis: Drag.XAxis
                drag.minimumX: 0
                drag.maximumX: parent.parent.width - 30

Set color interactively with rgba(red, green, blue, alpha)

The example set background color interactively with rgba(red, green, blue, alpha).

qml example: rgba(red, green, blue, alpha)
qml example: rgba(red, green, blue, alpha)

import QtQuick 2.0

Rectangle {
    width: 360
    height: 360
    Text {
        anchors.centerIn: parent
        text: "Hello World"

        rgba( real red, real green, real blue, real alpha )
        Returns a color with the specified red, green, blue and alpha
        components. All components should be in the range 0-1 inclusive.
    color: Qt.rgba(
               mySliderHandleRed.x/(mySliderHandleRed.parent.width - 30),
               mySliderHandleGreen.x/(mySliderHandleGreen.parent.width - 30),
               mySliderHandleBlue.x/(mySliderHandleBlue.parent.width - 30),

    Rectangle {
        id: mySliderBlue

        anchors {
            left: parent.left
            right: parent.right
            bottom: parent.bottom
            leftMargin: 20
            rightMargin: 20
            bottomMargin: 10

        height: 20
        radius: 10
        smooth: true
        gradient: Gradient {
            GradientStop { position: 0.0; color: "white" }
            GradientStop { position: 1.0; color: "gray" }

        Rectangle {
            id: mySliderHandleBlue
            x: 1; y: 1; width: 30; height: 20
            radius: 10
            smooth: true
            color: "blue"

            MouseArea {
                anchors.fill: parent
                drag.axis: Drag.XAxis
                drag.minimumX: 0
                drag.maximumX: parent.parent.width - 30

    Rectangle {
        id: mySliderGreen

        anchors {
            left: parent.left
            right: parent.right
            leftMargin: 20
            rightMargin: 20
            bottomMargin: 10

        height: 20
        radius: 10
        smooth: true
        gradient: Gradient {
            GradientStop { position: 0.0; color: "white" }
            GradientStop { position: 1.0; color: "gray" }

        Rectangle {
            id: mySliderHandleGreen
            x: 1; y: 1; width: 30; height: 20
            radius: 10
            smooth: true
            color: "green"

            MouseArea {
                anchors.fill: parent
                drag.axis: Drag.XAxis
                drag.minimumX: 0
                drag.maximumX: parent.parent.width - 30

    Rectangle {
        id: mySliderRed

        anchors {
            left: parent.left
            right: parent.right
            leftMargin: 20
            rightMargin: 20
            bottomMargin: 10

        height: 20
        radius: 10
        smooth: true
        gradient: Gradient {
            GradientStop { position: 0.0; color: "white" }
            GradientStop { position: 1.0; color: "gray" }

        Rectangle {
            id: mySliderHandleRed
            x: 1; y: 1; width: 30; height: 20
            radius: 10
            smooth: true
            color: "red"

            MouseArea {
                anchors.fill: parent
                drag.axis: Drag.XAxis
                drag.minimumX: 0
                drag.maximumX: parent.parent.width - 30

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Getting Started with Enginio, Qt Cloud Backend

Getting Started with Enginio, Qt Cloud Backend

qml example: make gradient color

Example to make gradient color on button.
make gradient color on button
make gradient color on button

import QtQuick 2.0

Rectangle {
    width: 360
    height: 360

    Rectangle {
        id: myButton

        width: 200
        height: 120
        radius: 25
        anchors.centerIn: parent

        property color buttonColor: "white"
        property color buttonColorPressed: "gray"
        property color buttonBorderColor: "gray"
        property color buttonBorderColorPressed: "black"

        signal signalMe(string action)
        onSignalMe: console.log(action)

            id: myButtonMouseArea
            anchors.fill: parent

            onClicked: myButton.signalMe("Clicked")
            onPressed: myButton.signalMe("Pressed")
            onReleased: myButton.signalMe("Released")

        /* pure color, change with mouse pressed
        color: myButtonMouseArea.pressed
               ? buttonColorPressed : buttonColor

        /* gradient color, no change with mouse pressed
        gradient: Gradient {
            GradientStop { position: 0.0; color: "black" }
            GradientStop { position: 1.0; color: "gray" }

        //gradient color, changed with mouse pressed
        gradient: Gradient {
            GradientStop {
                position: 0.0;
                color: myButtonMouseArea.pressed ? "black" : "gray" }
            GradientStop {
                position: 1.0;
                color: myButtonMouseArea.pressed ? "gray" : "white" }

        border.width: 2
        border.color: myButtonMouseArea.pressed
                      ? buttonBorderColorPressed : buttonBorderColor

            id: buttonLabel
            anchors {
                horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
            color: "black"
            text: "Button Label"

        Image {
            id: buttonImage
            source: ""
            anchors {
                horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
                top: buttonLabel.bottom

qml button step-by-step

qml example: Created rounded Rectangle with radius

Use radius: xx to make rounded Rectangle.

qml example: Created rounded Rectangle with radius
qml example: Created rounded Rectangle with radius

import QtQuick 2.0

Rectangle {
    width: 360
    height: 360

    Rectangle {
        id: myButton

        width: 200
        height: 120
        radius: 25
        anchors.centerIn: parent

        property color buttonColor: "white"
        property color buttonColorPressed: "gray"
        property color buttonBorderColor: "gray"
        property color buttonBorderColorPressed: "black"

        signal signalMe(string action)
        onSignalMe: console.log(action)

            id: myButtonMouseArea
            anchors.fill: parent

            onClicked: myButton.signalMe("Clicked")
            onPressed: myButton.signalMe("Pressed")
            onReleased: myButton.signalMe("Released")

        color: myButtonMouseArea.pressed
               ? buttonColorPressed : buttonColor

        border.width: 2
        border.color: myButtonMouseArea.pressed
                      ? buttonBorderColorPressed : buttonBorderColor

            id: buttonLabel
            anchors {
                horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
            color: "black"
            text: "Button Label"

        Image {
            id: buttonImage
            source: ""
            anchors {
                horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
                top: buttonLabel.bottom

qml button step-by-step

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

qml example: implement custom signal and signal handler

In last qml example of "handle events for button", the MouseArea emit a clicked signal when the user clicks within the mouse area, and then the onClicked signal handler, declared within the MouseArea, will be invoked.

In this post we will create our own signal (signalMe) and signal handler (onSignalMe) to do something.

An object can be notified through a signal handler whenever it a particular signal is emitted. A signal handler is declared with the syntax on<signal> where <signal> is the name of the signal, with the first letter capitalized. The signal handler must be declared within the definition of the object that emits the signal, and the handler should contain the block of JavaScript code to be executed when the signal handler is invoked. ~ refer QML Object Attributes.

implement custom signal and signal handler
implement custom signal and signal handler

import QtQuick 2.0

Rectangle {
    width: 360
    height: 360

    Rectangle {
        id: myButton

        width: 200
        height: 120
        anchors.centerIn: parent

        property color buttonColor: "white"
        property color buttonColorPressed: "gray"
        property color buttonBorderColor: "gray"
        property color buttonBorderColorPressed: "black"

        signal signalMe(string action)
        onSignalMe: console.log(action)

            id: myButtonMouseArea
            anchors.fill: parent

            onClicked: myButton.signalMe("Clicked")
            onPressed: myButton.signalMe("Pressed")
            onReleased: myButton.signalMe("Released")

        color: myButtonMouseArea.pressed
               ? buttonColorPressed : buttonColor

        border.width: 2
        border.color: myButtonMouseArea.pressed
                      ? buttonBorderColorPressed : buttonBorderColor

            id: buttonLabel
            anchors {
                horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
            color: "black"
            text: "Button Label"

        Image {
            id: buttonImage
            source: ""
            anchors {
                horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
                top: buttonLabel.bottom

qml button step-by-step

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

qml example: handle events for button

qml example: handle events for button
qml example: handle events for button

To handle events on button, simple handle onClicked:, onPressed:, onReleased:... inside MouseArea.
import QtQuick 2.0

Rectangle {
    width: 360
    height: 360

    Rectangle {
        id: myButton

        width: 200
        height: 120
        anchors.centerIn: parent

        property color buttonColor: "white"
        property color buttonColorPressed: "gray"
        property color buttonBorderColor: "gray"
        property color buttonBorderColorPressed: "black"

            id: myButtonMouseArea
            anchors.fill: parent

            onClicked: console.log("Button Clicked")
            onPressed: console.log("Button Pressed")
            onReleased: console.log("Button Released")

        color: myButtonMouseArea.pressed
               ? buttonColorPressed : buttonColor

        border.width: 2
        border.color: myButtonMouseArea.pressed
                      ? buttonBorderColorPressed : buttonBorderColor

            id: buttonLabel
            anchors {
                horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
            color: "black"
            text: "Button Label"

        Image {
            id: buttonImage
            source: ""
            anchors {
                horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
                top: buttonLabel.bottom

In this example, the MouseArea will emit a clicked signal when the user clicks within the mouse area, and then the onClicked signal handler, declared within the MouseArea, will be invoked.

qml button step-by-step

qml example: add image on button

qml example: add image on button
qml example: add image on button

import QtQuick 2.0

Rectangle {
    width: 360
    height: 360

    Rectangle {
        id: myButton

        width: 200
        height: 120
        anchors.centerIn: parent

        property color buttonColor: "white"
        property color buttonColorPressed: "gray"
        property color buttonBorderColor: "gray"
        property color buttonBorderColorPressed: "black"

            id: myButtonMouseArea
            anchors.fill: parent

        color: myButtonMouseArea.pressed
               ? buttonColorPressed : buttonColor

        border.width: 2
        border.color: myButtonMouseArea.pressed
                      ? buttonBorderColorPressed : buttonBorderColor

            id: buttonLabel
            anchors {
                horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
            color: "black"
            text: "Button Label"

        Image {
            id: buttonImage
            source: ""
            anchors {
                horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
                top: buttonLabel.bottom

qml button step-by-step

qml example: add label to button

Label can be added to button as text.

qml example: add label to button
qml example: add label to button

import QtQuick 2.0

Rectangle {
    width: 360
    height: 360

    Rectangle {
        id: myButton

        width: 100
        height: 50
        anchors.centerIn: parent

        property color buttonColor: "white"
        property color buttonColorPressed: "gray"
        property color buttonBorderColor: "gray"
        property color buttonBorderColorPressed: "black"

            id: myButtonMouseArea
            anchors.fill: parent

        color: myButtonMouseArea.pressed
               ? buttonColorPressed : buttonColor

        border.width: 2
        border.color: myButtonMouseArea.pressed
                      ? buttonBorderColorPressed : buttonBorderColor

            id: buttonLabel
            anchors.centerIn: parent
            color: "black"
            text: "Button Label"

qml button step-by-step

Sunday, September 1, 2013

qml example: simple button

qml example: simple button
qml example: simple button

import QtQuick 2.0

Rectangle {
    width: 360
    height: 360

    Rectangle {
        id: myButton

        width: 100
        height: 50
        anchors.centerIn: parent

        property color buttonColor: "white"
        property color buttonColorPressed: "gray"
        property color buttonBorderColor: "gray"
        property color buttonBorderColorPressed: "black"

            id: myButtonMouseArea
            anchors.fill: parent

        color: myButtonMouseArea.pressed
               ? buttonColorPressed : buttonColor

        border.width: 2
        border.color: myButtonMouseArea.pressed
                      ? buttonBorderColorPressed : buttonBorderColor

more: Implement qml button step-by-step

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Qt 5.1.1, Qt Creator 2.8.1 and Installer Framework 1.4.0 released

Qt 5.1.1, the first patch release for the Qt 5.1 series, released. It provides many improvements over Qt 5.1.0 as well as packages Qt Creator 2.8.1 to the installers. As a patch release, it does not add new features and remains binary compatible with Qt 5.1.0.

Qt 5.1.1 Released
Qt Creator 2.8.1 & Installer Framework 1.4.0 released

Sunday, August 25, 2013

qml example: load image from internet and handle status changed

import QtQuick 2.0
import QtQuick.Window 2.0

Window {

    title: "Qteveloper(";

    width: 360
    height: 360
    Text {
        id: myHello
        anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
        text: "Hello World"

    Image {
        id: myImage
        source: ""
        anchors {
            left: parent.left
            top: myHello.bottom

            case Image.Null:
                myState.text = "no image has been set";
            case Image.Ready:
                myState.text = "the image has been loaded\n"
                        + myImage.width + " x " + myImage.height;
            case Image.Loading:
                myState.text = "the image is currently being loaded";
            case Image.Error:
                myState.text = "an error occurred while loading the image";

    Text {
        id: myState
        anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
        anchors {
            left: myImage.left
            top: myImage.bottom
            leftMargin: 20
            topMargin: 10


qml example: set title of Window

qml example: set title of Window
qml example: set title of Window

import QtQuick 2.0
import QtQuick.Window 2.0

Window {

    title: "Qteveloper(";

    width: 360
    height: 360
    Text {
        anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
        text: "Hello World"


Thursday, August 22, 2013

qml example: detect mouse and draw on Canvas

qml example: detect mouse and draw on Canvas
qml example: detect mouse and draw on Canvas

import QtQuick 2.0

Rectangle {
    width: 360
    height: 360

    property int xpos
    property int ypos

    Canvas {
        id: myCanvas
        anchors.fill: parent

        onPaint: {
            var ctx = getContext('2d')
            ctx.fillStyle = "red"
            ctx.fillRect(xpos-1, ypos-1, 3, 3)


            anchors.fill: parent
            onPressed: {
                xpos = mouseX
                ypos = mouseY
            onMouseXChanged: {
                xpos = mouseX
                ypos = mouseY
            onMouseYChanged: {
                xpos = mouseX
                ypos = mouseY



Wednesday, August 21, 2013

qml example: Draw text on Canvas

qml example: Draw text on Canvas
qml example: Draw text on Canvas

import QtQuick 2.0

Rectangle {
    width: 360
    height: 360

    Canvas {
        anchors.fill: parent

        onPaint: {
            var ctx = getContext('2d');
            ctx.fillText("qteveloper", 50, 150);
            ctx.strokeText("", 50, 200);



qml example: Draw something on Canvas

qml example: Draw something on Canvas
qml example: Draw something on Canvas

import QtQuick 2.0

Rectangle {
    width: 360
    height: 360

    Canvas {
        anchors.fill: parent

        onPaint: {
            var ctx = getContext('2d');

            ctx.fillStyle = "red"
            ctx.fillRect(150, 200, 120, 120)

            ctx.lineWidth = 3
            ctx.strokeStyle = "blue"
            ctx.ellipse(10, 10, 200, 200)
            ctx.rect(50, 50, 200, 200)



Tuesday, August 20, 2013

qml example: Slider

qml example: Slider
qml example: Slider

import QtQuick 2.0

Rectangle {
    width: 360
    height: 360
    Text {
        id: myText
        anchors.centerIn: parent
        text: mySliderHandle.x

    Rectangle {
        id: mySlider

        anchors {
            left: parent.left
            right: parent.right
            bottom: parent.bottom
            leftMargin: 20
            rightMargin: 20
            bottomMargin: 10

        height: 20
        radius: 10
        smooth: true
        gradient: Gradient {
            GradientStop { position: 0.0; color: "white" }
            GradientStop { position: 1.0; color: "gray" }

        Rectangle {
            id: mySliderHandle
            x: 1; y: 1; width: 30; height: 20
            radius: 10
            smooth: true
            color: "blue"

            MouseArea {
                anchors.fill: parent
                drag.axis: Drag.XAxis
                drag.minimumX: 0
                drag.maximumX: parent.parent.width - 30